school age
*after school & *summer care
kinder - 5th grade
3 programs available:
full-time: Monday-Friday
part-time: Mon-Wed-Fri
part-time: Tues-Thurs
We accept drop-ins for all ages.
Please call first for availability.
FULL-TIME: 5 days/week
PART-TIME: 3 days/week
PART-TIME: 2 days/week

things to bring
- Child's Shot Record
- Photo ID of Parent
- Voided Check (for ACH setup)
enrollment packet
- Print the enrollment forms for your preschooler
drop-in request
- Need care for spring break or school holidays? Complete our form for early approval.
learning is fun!
We commit to providing a safe and nurturing place
for your school-aged students and maintain an open door policy with all parents and guardians. You are
welcome to visit the center and observe your student anytime during our hours of operation.